Crying Out: Lament is an Act of Faith

Key Scripture: Psalm 13:3
"Look on me and answer, Lord my God. Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death."
Advent is often viewed as a season of joy and anticipation, but for many, it is also a time marked by weariness, grief, or longing. The Psalms give voice to these raw emotions, offering us a pathway to cry out to God with honesty and vulnerability. Psalm 13:3, with its desperate plea for God’s attention, reminds us that lament is not an act of weak faith but a profound declaration of trust.
Lament boldly approaches a God who listens. It takes faith to cry out to God when life feels unbearable. Lament acknowledges our dependence on Him and our belief that He hears and responds. It is the language of those who refuse to give up on God’s promises, even in the face of silence. David, the psalmist, did not shy away from expressing his despair. His cries were an act of faith that God’s character remained unchanging, even when circumstances seemed overwhelming.
Jesus Himself modeled lament on the cross, quoting Psalm 22:1 as He cried out, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46). His lament demonstrated trust in the Father’s plan and showed us that even in moments of apparent abandonment, God remains present. Jesus’ example encourages us to bring our own pain and questions before God, knowing that He can handle our emotions and that lament is not the end of the story but a step toward hope.
Practically, we can incorporate lament into our prayer lives by laying our struggles before God with honesty. Journaling is a powerful way to do this. This Advent season, consider writing your laments as prayers. Pour out your heart to God about the burdens you carry and the longings you feel. In doing so, you open yourself to experiencing His comfort and peace.
As we journey through Advent, let us embrace the practice of lament, trusting that the God who came to dwell among us in the person of Jesus will meet us in our brokenness. He hears our cries and answers with His presence.
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