July Leadership Newsletter
Welcome to July's Leadership Newsletter - a place to hear the heart and thoughts of leaders in our church.
Be Intentional
Summer presents an array of opportunities for relaxation, personal growth, and intentional living. With the freedom of a slower pace and longer days, it's crucial to plan and prioritize to make the most of this season. This is called intentionality.
Being intentional means deliberately directing your actions, thoughts, and energy towards specific goals and outcomes. It empowers you to seize control of your life, make conscious choices, and create meaningful experiences aligned with your values and aspirations.
As a church leader, I strive to embody intentionality in my decision-making and planning, encouraging our team leaders to do the same. This mindset should extend to every member of our congregation. We all aspire to personal growth, better leadership, and a fulfilling life. It requires evaluating our schedules, making necessary adjustments, and setting goals that align with our dreams and values.
Take a moment to reflect on your current schedule and activities. Make immediate changes that compel you to be intentional in your actions, thoughts, and time management. Perhaps you've never set clear goals for yourself, or it's time to recalibrate existing ones. With half the year remaining, envision where you want to be spiritually, financially, emotionally, and physically in the next six months. Be intentional in pursuing those aspirations, allowing them to shape your decisions and drive you towards the outcomes you desire.
Elder Board
Matthew 19:14
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as
I had the pleasure and honor to be involved in the chaos of Vacation Bible School (VBS) last week. The VBS was put on by 25 or so adults and teens, and they worked with close to 40 younger children. The chaos, the noise and the constant movement of all of these young was at times, for this older person, a WHOLE LOT. But I wonder; if the kingdom of heaven “belongs” to the “little children”, maybe getting ready for heaven is embracing the things that children embrace and enjoy. They like movement and energy; they like noise and activity; they don’t really care about a cardboard rocket … they just think they are cool; they enjoy simplicity; and they enjoy it when people around them make them feel important.
As an older adult, I think I want quiet, structure, calmness and order. Maybe that’s not what I need. Maybe I am just conditioned to think that’s what it is supposed to be like in Church and in my life. But, as was shown to me last week, a little chaos can be a good thing; not something to be avoided. In Church, which is supposed to help us understand what heaven will be like, maybe we should not be quick to push aside the things that matter to children and instead embrace them and the chaotic world they enjoy and thrive in.
At the end of the VBS days, when an invitation was given to accept Christ as Lord and Savior, 8 of these “little ones” chose to accept the invitation and ask Jesus into their lives. WOW, in spite of the things this old guy tries to avoid, God worked for His glory. Amen and Amen.
Coaching Ministry
Development Question:
Luke 17:5 The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!”
Assume for a moment that everything God does is an opportunity to increase your faith in Him. What opportunity, by trial or success, is happening for you?
Opportunities from the Coaching Ministry:
Discovery Course Small Group - We are wanting to take the discovery course methods and create further encouragement through a small group format. If you are interested into digging deeper with Strengths, Spiritual Disciplines, and Spiritual Gifts in a small group, let us know.
Ministry Team Coaching - Team coaching is happening! These meetings are tailored to help your team develop from where you are right now. Whether it is clarity of vision, defining roles, planning for the future, or communication, we can help you in the process.
Torah Club
Have you ever felt like there is more to learn about the Bible, but you weren’t sure how to get there? We can help! Torah Club is a worldwide Bible Study, made up of small-group Bible study communities who are discovering the Scriptures from a Messianic Jewish perspective. Everyone is welcome, whether you are just learning the Bible or a mature believer. In our local Torah Club, we have seen a tremendous growth here in Casper, not only in numbers of students attending but spiritual growth of students as well.
Classes are offered Sunday Mornings at 9:30 am, Wednesday Nights at 6:00 pm (Wednesday class at capacity), or Saturday Evenings TBD -this new beginner class, Hayesod, will be starting in late summer and running 11 weeks. We will be meeting on Saturday evening in Glenrock. This will be an adult only class. There are few spaces left in this class, so if you want to join, contact us at TheScribes@ProtonMail.com
In each class we watch a video from Jerusalem, pray for each other, review the homework booklet for that week, and have free ranging conversations. Questions and discussion are welcome! You are invited! If you are ready to find out how to go deeper in your Bible study, we would invite to set in on a class and see for yourself what is taught, how the class works, and what you can learn! Torah Club is where disciples go to learn.
John & Dianna
What students are saying: Torah Club is for anybody who is looking to learn and understand the Bible from the understanding the Bible from those that walked with Jesus…Torah club is for anybody who wants to become the disciple that Jesus is seeking you to be.
– Mariah Smith, Casper Torah Club
Hello from the board,
For those who don’t know, I serve on the governing board. The board continues to strive to stand up and encourage ministries at the church that support our values. To be honest, we have a lot of tough conversations about the world and nation we currently live in, and the increasing attacks on truth and family. Know that the entire board has an unwavering commitment to loving our church family and everyone in our community without sacrificing truth or condoning, let alone celebrating, sin.
Lastly, I would just like to promote our openness as a group. If you have any questions about what we are doing, why we are doing it, or anything else you can dream up, come talk to me or one of the others, we are easy to find and happy to discuss whatever you have on you mind, good or bad.
What's happening:
Youth requested that we continue to meet a few times throughout the summer. Please check out the Youth Summer Schedule to see all the fun events we have planned!
Prayer requests:
Please pray for the physical, mental and spiritual safety of our students, and that they may strengthen their faith/relationship/hope in Jesus Christ.
What are you excited about:
Hearing from several of the youth who have traveled out of town over the summer to visit potential colleges, work as camp counselors, attend leadership events, etc.
What is difficult:
Youth room has had multiple episodes of vandalism including many broken windows. Continue to pray for safety/security.
What do you want the church to know:
Because youth group has been growing, expect Junior High to meet separate from Senior High for curriculum studies come fall 2023.
Missions & Outreach
The M&O Team is an exciting train to be on right now! This month we enjoyed some team coaching time with Kris Burd and have begun to refine our goals & roles within the team to help us work together more efficiently and effectively and better incorporate new team members.
On the horizon we have the scheduled Missions Meals to discuss progress and direction in our partnership with International Workers in Uruguay: Lunch after church on July 30th and August 6th - two options so everyone can make it! There are several opportunities to participate at various levels with that and it's be encouraging to see the start of some Partner Care, Strategic Prayer, and plans for Going There. We'll talk more about these plus the Doing Our $hare and Staying Aware aspects of Partnership.
In the area of church outreach, we are still developing connection points and cooperative activity with other ministries, like VBS that just happened for instance. We helped hand out fliers and created a follow-up form for parents of kids who attended. Both of these efforts could use refining next year. We would like to see small groups 'adopt' a missions effort and/or local project or ministry to support through prayer and other means.
More local outreach ideas that have been discussed include a Creative Arts/Open Mic Night event, training more volunteers through True Care to talk with folks seeking help from the abortion clinic (which did unfortunately open), and hosting a BBQ/Block Party at the church for neighborhood folks. These and other potential opportunities will need continued prayer, vision, and hands on deck to see through. All in God's timing and by His wisdom and power!
Thankful to be a part of it,
Women's Ministry
The women of this church are diverse in gifts and personalities, beautiful and powerful daughters of the King, and it's a privilege to grow together in our pursuit of Jesus. Both Monday night Bible Study with Jinx and Sandcastles Lunches take a little break in the summer.
In Sandcastles we just finished a year working through the topics of Identity, Belonging, Significance, and Purpose. It was enriching and fortifying to deepen our understanding of these important aspects of life through a Biblical lens. The fellowship is always sweet and fun, and the food is yummy! Many thanks to Denise Pierce for faithfully setting up salad and sandwich goodies and for the gals who have signed up to bring soup. I'm also thankful for Leah Wiebe helping teach/lead discussion time this year, and for the guest ladies who shared parts of their God stories with us.
I encourage getting together for those fun summer activities as it works to do them together with other women and families from church as well as any ladies who might be seeking God but don't have a church family yet - for more good connection points and a chance to shine the light of Christ in our community just by being together and God with us while out and about. In that thread, I plan to head to Alcova play beach on July 28th in the afternoon--evening for some fun and picnic dinner, and am extending the invite to woman and families, if anyone would like to join. Super Casual, BYO everything:)
Other than that we'll have lunch at Family Camp and see what the Lord has in store for the coming year! Genesis 2:18-25
Leading worship is one of the most dear and privileged things I can think of. It is fun. Our worship team has the best time together "practicing" worship. Really we have to practice time signatures and keys, steady tempos and lyrics - but then we get the reward and joy of responding to the Lord together. Leading worship is vulnerable. There is no shortage of opinions on how it ought to be done. We feel that sometimes. Leading worship is also vulnerable in the sense that God seems to bring to the surface the deepest parts of our own hearts during worship. I have surrendered things my fists had long held clutched, dealt with the ugliest parts of my own heart, and faced some of my deepest fears in front of and with our church family, whether you realized it or not. Worship is so many things because, at its root, worship is being near God. It might be fun, it might be hard, it might be joyful. It might be serious, it might be emotional. It might hurt, it might give you direction and hope. Worship is a lifeline to our Father. It is a turning of our hearts - together - to His rightful worth, character, faithfulness, and love. It is remembering. It is looking forward. Worship matters. Whether you are by yourself or in the sanctuary on a Sunday morning, God is worthy of your attention and your love. I am so thankful He give us means of expressing that together.
It is our prayer that our church will grow -always- in our desire and love for worship. It is our joy to lead and to be with you in the process of going before the throne together.
With a grateful heart,
Care Team
What's the Care Team up to?
Donuts. Greeters. New member welcome bags. Birthday, anniversary, graduation, sympathy, encouragement and get well cards. Baby and bridal showers and grad celebrations. Meals for those in need. Other acts of service as needs arise.
We pray we would be equipped and mindful so that all who come to our church will be welcomed and informed, and that all members will feel loved and supported in their celebrations and in times of need.
We especially love celebrating church member milestones and bringing meals to families. What is difficult is not always knowing the needs. Please let us know if you are another church member could benefit from receiving meals or other support.
We are seeking to grow our list of greeters and meal volunteers. Please send your name, email, phone number and role you are open to fill to risapetrie@gmail.com.
In His Service,
Be Intentional
Summer presents an array of opportunities for relaxation, personal growth, and intentional living. With the freedom of a slower pace and longer days, it's crucial to plan and prioritize to make the most of this season. This is called intentionality.
Being intentional means deliberately directing your actions, thoughts, and energy towards specific goals and outcomes. It empowers you to seize control of your life, make conscious choices, and create meaningful experiences aligned with your values and aspirations.
As a church leader, I strive to embody intentionality in my decision-making and planning, encouraging our team leaders to do the same. This mindset should extend to every member of our congregation. We all aspire to personal growth, better leadership, and a fulfilling life. It requires evaluating our schedules, making necessary adjustments, and setting goals that align with our dreams and values.
Take a moment to reflect on your current schedule and activities. Make immediate changes that compel you to be intentional in your actions, thoughts, and time management. Perhaps you've never set clear goals for yourself, or it's time to recalibrate existing ones. With half the year remaining, envision where you want to be spiritually, financially, emotionally, and physically in the next six months. Be intentional in pursuing those aspirations, allowing them to shape your decisions and drive you towards the outcomes you desire.
Elder Board
Matthew 19:14
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as
I had the pleasure and honor to be involved in the chaos of Vacation Bible School (VBS) last week. The VBS was put on by 25 or so adults and teens, and they worked with close to 40 younger children. The chaos, the noise and the constant movement of all of these young was at times, for this older person, a WHOLE LOT. But I wonder; if the kingdom of heaven “belongs” to the “little children”, maybe getting ready for heaven is embracing the things that children embrace and enjoy. They like movement and energy; they like noise and activity; they don’t really care about a cardboard rocket … they just think they are cool; they enjoy simplicity; and they enjoy it when people around them make them feel important.
As an older adult, I think I want quiet, structure, calmness and order. Maybe that’s not what I need. Maybe I am just conditioned to think that’s what it is supposed to be like in Church and in my life. But, as was shown to me last week, a little chaos can be a good thing; not something to be avoided. In Church, which is supposed to help us understand what heaven will be like, maybe we should not be quick to push aside the things that matter to children and instead embrace them and the chaotic world they enjoy and thrive in.
At the end of the VBS days, when an invitation was given to accept Christ as Lord and Savior, 8 of these “little ones” chose to accept the invitation and ask Jesus into their lives. WOW, in spite of the things this old guy tries to avoid, God worked for His glory. Amen and Amen.
Coaching Ministry
Development Question:
Luke 17:5 The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!”
Assume for a moment that everything God does is an opportunity to increase your faith in Him. What opportunity, by trial or success, is happening for you?
Opportunities from the Coaching Ministry:
Discovery Course Small Group - We are wanting to take the discovery course methods and create further encouragement through a small group format. If you are interested into digging deeper with Strengths, Spiritual Disciplines, and Spiritual Gifts in a small group, let us know.
Ministry Team Coaching - Team coaching is happening! These meetings are tailored to help your team develop from where you are right now. Whether it is clarity of vision, defining roles, planning for the future, or communication, we can help you in the process.
Torah Club
Have you ever felt like there is more to learn about the Bible, but you weren’t sure how to get there? We can help! Torah Club is a worldwide Bible Study, made up of small-group Bible study communities who are discovering the Scriptures from a Messianic Jewish perspective. Everyone is welcome, whether you are just learning the Bible or a mature believer. In our local Torah Club, we have seen a tremendous growth here in Casper, not only in numbers of students attending but spiritual growth of students as well.
Classes are offered Sunday Mornings at 9:30 am, Wednesday Nights at 6:00 pm (Wednesday class at capacity), or Saturday Evenings TBD -this new beginner class, Hayesod, will be starting in late summer and running 11 weeks. We will be meeting on Saturday evening in Glenrock. This will be an adult only class. There are few spaces left in this class, so if you want to join, contact us at TheScribes@ProtonMail.com
In each class we watch a video from Jerusalem, pray for each other, review the homework booklet for that week, and have free ranging conversations. Questions and discussion are welcome! You are invited! If you are ready to find out how to go deeper in your Bible study, we would invite to set in on a class and see for yourself what is taught, how the class works, and what you can learn! Torah Club is where disciples go to learn.
John & Dianna
What students are saying: Torah Club is for anybody who is looking to learn and understand the Bible from the understanding the Bible from those that walked with Jesus…Torah club is for anybody who wants to become the disciple that Jesus is seeking you to be.
– Mariah Smith, Casper Torah Club
Hello from the board,
For those who don’t know, I serve on the governing board. The board continues to strive to stand up and encourage ministries at the church that support our values. To be honest, we have a lot of tough conversations about the world and nation we currently live in, and the increasing attacks on truth and family. Know that the entire board has an unwavering commitment to loving our church family and everyone in our community without sacrificing truth or condoning, let alone celebrating, sin.
Lastly, I would just like to promote our openness as a group. If you have any questions about what we are doing, why we are doing it, or anything else you can dream up, come talk to me or one of the others, we are easy to find and happy to discuss whatever you have on you mind, good or bad.
What's happening:
Youth requested that we continue to meet a few times throughout the summer. Please check out the Youth Summer Schedule to see all the fun events we have planned!
Prayer requests:
Please pray for the physical, mental and spiritual safety of our students, and that they may strengthen their faith/relationship/hope in Jesus Christ.
What are you excited about:
Hearing from several of the youth who have traveled out of town over the summer to visit potential colleges, work as camp counselors, attend leadership events, etc.
What is difficult:
Youth room has had multiple episodes of vandalism including many broken windows. Continue to pray for safety/security.
What do you want the church to know:
Because youth group has been growing, expect Junior High to meet separate from Senior High for curriculum studies come fall 2023.
Missions & Outreach
The M&O Team is an exciting train to be on right now! This month we enjoyed some team coaching time with Kris Burd and have begun to refine our goals & roles within the team to help us work together more efficiently and effectively and better incorporate new team members.
On the horizon we have the scheduled Missions Meals to discuss progress and direction in our partnership with International Workers in Uruguay: Lunch after church on July 30th and August 6th - two options so everyone can make it! There are several opportunities to participate at various levels with that and it's be encouraging to see the start of some Partner Care, Strategic Prayer, and plans for Going There. We'll talk more about these plus the Doing Our $hare and Staying Aware aspects of Partnership.
In the area of church outreach, we are still developing connection points and cooperative activity with other ministries, like VBS that just happened for instance. We helped hand out fliers and created a follow-up form for parents of kids who attended. Both of these efforts could use refining next year. We would like to see small groups 'adopt' a missions effort and/or local project or ministry to support through prayer and other means.
More local outreach ideas that have been discussed include a Creative Arts/Open Mic Night event, training more volunteers through True Care to talk with folks seeking help from the abortion clinic (which did unfortunately open), and hosting a BBQ/Block Party at the church for neighborhood folks. These and other potential opportunities will need continued prayer, vision, and hands on deck to see through. All in God's timing and by His wisdom and power!
Thankful to be a part of it,
Women's Ministry
The women of this church are diverse in gifts and personalities, beautiful and powerful daughters of the King, and it's a privilege to grow together in our pursuit of Jesus. Both Monday night Bible Study with Jinx and Sandcastles Lunches take a little break in the summer.
In Sandcastles we just finished a year working through the topics of Identity, Belonging, Significance, and Purpose. It was enriching and fortifying to deepen our understanding of these important aspects of life through a Biblical lens. The fellowship is always sweet and fun, and the food is yummy! Many thanks to Denise Pierce for faithfully setting up salad and sandwich goodies and for the gals who have signed up to bring soup. I'm also thankful for Leah Wiebe helping teach/lead discussion time this year, and for the guest ladies who shared parts of their God stories with us.
I encourage getting together for those fun summer activities as it works to do them together with other women and families from church as well as any ladies who might be seeking God but don't have a church family yet - for more good connection points and a chance to shine the light of Christ in our community just by being together and God with us while out and about. In that thread, I plan to head to Alcova play beach on July 28th in the afternoon--evening for some fun and picnic dinner, and am extending the invite to woman and families, if anyone would like to join. Super Casual, BYO everything:)
Other than that we'll have lunch at Family Camp and see what the Lord has in store for the coming year! Genesis 2:18-25
Leading worship is one of the most dear and privileged things I can think of. It is fun. Our worship team has the best time together "practicing" worship. Really we have to practice time signatures and keys, steady tempos and lyrics - but then we get the reward and joy of responding to the Lord together. Leading worship is vulnerable. There is no shortage of opinions on how it ought to be done. We feel that sometimes. Leading worship is also vulnerable in the sense that God seems to bring to the surface the deepest parts of our own hearts during worship. I have surrendered things my fists had long held clutched, dealt with the ugliest parts of my own heart, and faced some of my deepest fears in front of and with our church family, whether you realized it or not. Worship is so many things because, at its root, worship is being near God. It might be fun, it might be hard, it might be joyful. It might be serious, it might be emotional. It might hurt, it might give you direction and hope. Worship is a lifeline to our Father. It is a turning of our hearts - together - to His rightful worth, character, faithfulness, and love. It is remembering. It is looking forward. Worship matters. Whether you are by yourself or in the sanctuary on a Sunday morning, God is worthy of your attention and your love. I am so thankful He give us means of expressing that together.
It is our prayer that our church will grow -always- in our desire and love for worship. It is our joy to lead and to be with you in the process of going before the throne together.
With a grateful heart,
Care Team
What's the Care Team up to?
Donuts. Greeters. New member welcome bags. Birthday, anniversary, graduation, sympathy, encouragement and get well cards. Baby and bridal showers and grad celebrations. Meals for those in need. Other acts of service as needs arise.
We pray we would be equipped and mindful so that all who come to our church will be welcomed and informed, and that all members will feel loved and supported in their celebrations and in times of need.
We especially love celebrating church member milestones and bringing meals to families. What is difficult is not always knowing the needs. Please let us know if you are another church member could benefit from receiving meals or other support.
We are seeking to grow our list of greeters and meal volunteers. Please send your name, email, phone number and role you are open to fill to risapetrie@gmail.com.
In His Service,

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