January's Leadership Newsletter
Welcome to January's Leadership Newsletter -
a place to hear the heart and thoughts of leaders in our church.
As we stand on the brink of a new year, let us embark on a journey of purposeful growth and connection. In 2024, our church will strive for intentional progress in worship, outreach, discipleship, and fostering meaningful relationships.
Worship with Commitment:
Our worship services will be filled with commitment to seeking God wholeheartedly. We will strategize around making worship accessible for the seeker to the one who has followed Jesus for their entire lives. We will read scripture, share in the communion table, and present Jesus in practical ways. Let our gatherings be not just moments of reverence but opportunities for transformative encounters with Jesus Christ.
Reaching People with Expectation:
In the spirit of expecting more to happen in our lives, let us extend our reach beyond these walls. Our goal is to touch lives, share the love of Christ, and create a welcoming space for those seeking the Lord. Our vision statement is - “Fighting forward together through hope in Jesus Christ.” That is a message our community needs. Each one of you has a story to share, a person to help, and a gift to pass on. Let’s reach people with a Gospel expectation and present Jesus as the solution.
Discipleship with Zeal:
Discipleship demands hard work, a commitment to growing in our faith. In 2024, we aspire to create an environment where every member is actively engaged in a discipleship journey, expecting profound personal and collective transformation. I look forward to building a discipleship team and rolling out our strategy to the church.
Meaningful Relationships:
At the heart of our community lies the beauty of meaningful relationships. Without meaningful relationships we are wrecked is a core value of our church. With the growth of our church family lets make sure that we are going deeper than surface conversations. Let’s seek to have meaningful connections with all who step through the doors of our church. This requires us to move intentionally from virtual connecting to in person connection. As a small to medium sized church we are uniquely positioned to create a true community here at Casper Alliance Church. People are craving true connection with others. This year, we aim to deepen connections, fostering an atmosphere where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued.
As we collectively invest our efforts in worship, outreach, discipleship, and building connections, we anticipate a year filled with growth, transformation, and the joy of purposeful living. Let's embrace the challenges and opportunities together, knowing that, with God's grace, our hard work will yield abundant blessings.
Fighting Forward Together,
Lots of exciting things happening with Student Ministry this year! We began a new venture & season of growth with high school splitting off from middle school for the lesson plan on Wednesday nights. We continue to start off the evening as a big group, do an ice breaker & pray together. Then we split off for the lesson. Having consistent leaders who show up each Wednesday has allowed us to re-structure in this way, and it has been good. We will continue this rhythm through the winter/1st quarter of next year.
We have been using curriculum from Rooted Reservoir over the last couple semesters and have enough material to get us through next quarter. Other things to anticipate for this 1st quarter include another youth led Sunday, a potential weekend trip in March to Colorado Springs for IYL (Ignite Youth Leadership), brainstorming ideas of how to incorporate worship/play games in the sanctuary, organizing a community service project and developing a strategy for connecting friends outside of church.
We are blessed to have such a great space for the youth to hang out - a large room with a large tv, a pool table, a couple couches, ping pong tables and a foos ball table. The students have been working hard to respect this space, keep it picked up and take care of everything in the room. As many of you know, we have had some broken windows and stolen items in the past which was a real bummer, but has been resolved with the help of security cameras.
Recently we have been noticing destruction of items inside the youth room during other days of the week. We know the youth room is a convenient place for youngerchildren to hang out when parents are doing other things at the church or when meetings/events are happening at the church. One day these youngsters will be graduating to the youth room. It would be super helpful for parents (with children of all ages) to use this as an opportunity to teach them respect of the youth space and church building as a whole. Parents, please take note of what the youth room looks like before leaving the building to help ensure it has been taken care of. It’s no fun showing up on Wednesday night to find broken pool cues or not being able to play ping pong because paddles are broken and all the balls are missing. We’d greatly appreciate your help in making sure this space is respected by children of all ages. Thank you!
Please continue to pray for our youth here at Casper Alliance Church as well as the youth throughout the whole Casper community. And please specifically be praying that CAC can use our youth ministry to reach those who do not yet have a relationship with Jesus.
Missions & Outreach:
Phew! This last quarter of the year has been a full one! Good things, though, good things. Praise God for showing up in these ways, among others, as we have prayed and stepped into His calling:
*A blessed successful Missions Week hosting the Marshalls *Rain in Uruguay to end the drought
*Momentum in ministry there with ongoing relationship- building and truth-telling
*Clunky but fun and very worthwhile caroling and handing out cozy socks to residence of Life Care Center of Casper:) Thank you everyone who participated in any/all of these things!
Please be praying:
*As we continue to navigate communications and that partnership relationship with the Griffins and La Rambla team, and for all of Uruguay! We know God’s heart is for them. May His goodness be known and His provision felt. *For the folks who begin/have begun to come through our doors via invitation or however the Lord draws them, especially as outreach activities increase.
*For the M&O Lead Team, for continued/increasing unity, joy, strength and vision ~ and the next couple people who join the team!
*About the ways you can be involved :-)
We’ve got a Merry Christmas video to record during Missions Moment this Sunday, then two more outreach events on Monday with a few of us bringing coffee to cops and sheriffs at the station and Christmas cards with gift cards to displaced youth ~ we are thankful for friends with coffee shops and members of our congregation willing to donate coffee and gift cards for these gestures.
Next Quarter:
Looking ahead we will be hosting an outreach event called Casper Street: Arts Ignite for the first time! A task force team has been working together to plan the event. It will be a time and place for people to gather, enjoy a warm beverage and snack, and share/appreciate arts together as a connection point.
An outreach event of the church is designed to welcome people in various stages of their spiritual journey and provide connection points for them to seek God with us, in hopes that they will know Christ, walk with Him daily as His disciple, and participate in a family of believers where they find belonging and shared hope. The Arts Ignite event will especially connect with people who create and appreciate art of some variety and church members participating will want to attend prayerfully and show up for authentic conversations about life, art, and God - meeting people wherever they are when they come. We will do this through the display and performance of art pieces and by providing warm beverages and cookies and space to gather.
We aim to be missional right where we are, into our surrounding areas, and to the “ends of the earth”
This is the commission of Jesus for every one of us. The M&O Lead
Team seeks to facilitate opportunities for many to participate in the work of God in these ways, and to support outreach-oriented parts of other existing ministries within our church. This is not always picture perfect but we share the same ultimate Goal and keep our eyes on the same Prize, and it’s often fun :-) I’m thankful to get to serve alongside such splendiferous folks as we go about our Father’s business together. In all of it, may the LORD build the house!
Marie Scott
Upcoming Opportunities:
Spiritual Gifts workshop - Jan 7 after church. Childcare and lunch will be provided. All are invited!
Discovery Course will run April 7-May 5 (once a week meetings). Connect with me or Hannah for more details on Discovery Course and what it’s all about.
As always, one on one coaching is available to anyone who attends our church. Reach out at office@casperchurch.com to connect.
Kris Burd
Monday night Women’s Bible Study and Sandcastles will continue meeting through 2024 with the goal of drawing closer to Jesus and each other.
As women it has been good to connect at Sandcastles in the midst of life’s coming and going, and pause to consider God and His goodness together. This Fall we have shared pieces of our “God story” with one another, proclaiming the truth of His work in our lives. At Sandcastles lunches we also discussed the first two sections of the book we are reading - Turning & Upward - with opportunities to turn to Jesus from anything taking our attention or affection, and encouragement to look to Him in all things and allow Him to lift us Up in grace-filled transformation. December 4th we enjoyed time together drinking warm beverages and preparing socks to give away to the residents of a local nursing home, as well as signing greetings to inmates through Prayers for Prisoners ministry. What a great group of gals!
We will take a break from our Lunch & Learn in January and resume meeting for the Spring on February 23rd, on the fourth Friday through April. End of April/beginning of May we will plan something fun to do together. One joy of these gatherings has been welcoming some women into our midst for the first time. God is at work!
Bible study schedule is Jan 15 - Mar 4, Apr 8 - May 6, and Sept 9 - Nov 4, 6:30-8:00pm. Our first study is “Watch Your Mouth – Understanding the Power of the Tongue” with Dr. Tony Evans. (Topic plans for the remaining dates are still in the works.) The study will help us to
Discover the power of the spoken word to bolster your faith when you're doubting.
Discern what should or shouldn't be said so that you honor God with your speech.
Develop the ability to praise God and voice wisdom even in tough circumstances.
Get inspired by Tony's teaching on the tongue and model with your mouth the character of God. Don't let your words bring cursing or destruction to yourself and those you love. Instead, let your words minister to and speak life into the world around you.
We are also planning three special weekend events in 2024.
IF Gathering – stay tuned for more info
Friday, Feb 23 6:00 - 9:00 and Saturday, Feb 24 - 9:00 - 5:00
Brunch and Discussion (topic tbd) Saturday, May 4 10:00a-12:00p
Advent Brunch
Saturday, Nov 16, 10:00a-12:00p
Jinx & Marie
After the busyness and fun of Christmas, I look forward so much to getting back to our usual rhythms with worship (we also have so much fun doing Christmas music and being stretched by the musical complexity of some of it). So we look with anticipation to another year of leading worship and seeking to honor the Lord in this capacity.
I continue to be amazed by the gift that worship is to the worshipper. We belong to a God beyond wildest hope - One who loves us, wants our good, paid the ultimate price for our freedom. He deserves the outpour of thought and emotion that worship is. And yet, it is within the folds of the lyrics and chords and rhythms of this experience that I am made a little more whole. That thought gives me such hope! It is in His Presence that I truly experience joy. It is when I love Him like He deserves and when my mind lifts Him up as most worthy, that I am most at peace. It is in the remembering of Who is on the throne that my fears and failures are quietly put to rest.
As a worship team, we long to share that experience as a church family; that we would be ushered into the Presence and goodness of God together. We faithfully pray and ask for that from the Lord and invite you to join in that prayer: Lord, inhabit the praise of your people.
With joy, Hannah
Interested in getting involved with the worship team? Join our next jam session January 6 from 3-5pm
I want to take the opportunity to thank the many people who faithfully serve in Kids Ministry. They are a wonderful group of people who bring their unique personalities and giftings as teachers and disciplers each Sunday and Wednesday. What a gift you are to our church. We thank you! I would also like to thank the many hands and hearts over all the years who have invested into our church’s children’s ministry. We lay on the foundation of their faithful service!
As we embark on another year, we look forward to starting another quarter from the curriculum “Heart of God” and learning together how to love, know, and serve our faithful, righteous, good God.
Hannah Burd
Kids Ministry is available on Sunday mornings for Sunday School, on Sunday mornings during the sermon, and on Wednesday nights from 6:30-7:30.
Care Team:
While there was a period of heaviness in our church family as we said goodbye to beloved souls, the efforts to bring in December with beautiful décor and Christmas treats has brought a sense of hope and lightheartedness. A word that comes to mind is FESTIVE!
There is such joy in celebrating the season of the birth of our Savior Jesus. With inspiration from both Jason and Hannah, the Care Team and other volunteers added a little extra cheer including beautiful décor, candy canes with the message of the J in Jesus, cookies and delicious wassail, pretty poinsettias and table décor, along with set up/take down for the annual church meeting potluck, and Christmas Eve treat bags for the kids.
I extend my gratitude to all who made these extra gestures come to life. It has brought a sense of unity and fellowship to see so many work together to share the light of Jesus at Christmastime. Thank you to all who volunteered!
As we look to the New Year, the Care Team will continue to meet needs as they arise. We will be at the door with a smile or handshake, a bulletin, and welcome gifts for newcomers. We’ll send cards, deliver meals, set up communion, celebrate sorrows and joys, and ... bring donuts.
Join us in praying that all who the Lord brings through our doors will feel warmly welcomed and safe to worship with us. God is at work, and as His people, we extend our hands and feet to care for all who call Casper Alliance their home church.
Risa Petrie - Care Team Coordinator
Encouragement 101 Small Group:
Encouragement 101 is a small group that meets Wednesday nights at the church. The purpose of the group is to “encourage one another, and so much the more as we see the day approaching”.
Wednesday night (6:30-7:30) generally starts off with visiting and catching up on what’s going on in each other’s lives, followed by a short Bible study, and concludes with a time of prayer. After the meeting concludes, many stay and continue the conversations that began prior to the meeting.
Andy Bartosh
Pastor - Jason Fazel - jasonf@casperchurch.com
Elders - John Wiebe - john.wiebe.85@gmail.com
Mark Ayen - wyohiwayman@gmail.com
Brad Johnson - bjohn52059@gmail.com
Aaron Kudlak - avckudlak@msn.com
Scott McLean - martian62@yahoo.com
Scott Thorne - thornesnc123@gmail.com
Board - Larry Ash - 307-258-9905
Anita Walker - anitawalk93@gmail.com
Davian Herbig - davian74@hotmail.com
Discipleship - Mark Ayen - wyohiwayman@gmail.com
Small group - Andy and Pam - nbartosh_wy@charter.net Torah Club - John & Dianne - thescribes@protonmail.com
Youth - Kim Kunckel - kimberly.kunckel@gmail.com
Kids - church office - office@casperchurch.com
Mens - Jason Fazel - jasonf@casperchurch.com
Womens - Jinx Clark - jinxce@gmail.com
Care - Risa Petrie - risapetrie@gmail.com
Finance - Brad Johnson - bjohn52059@gmail.com
Adult SS - Mark Ayen - wyohiwayman@gmail.com Elementary - Zak Wiebe - ztwin32@gmail.com Preschool - Christine Thorne - thornesnc@charter.net
Missions - Marie Scott - the.mariescott@gmail.com
Worship - Hannah Burd - hdburd@icloud.com
a place to hear the heart and thoughts of leaders in our church.
As we stand on the brink of a new year, let us embark on a journey of purposeful growth and connection. In 2024, our church will strive for intentional progress in worship, outreach, discipleship, and fostering meaningful relationships.
Worship with Commitment:
Our worship services will be filled with commitment to seeking God wholeheartedly. We will strategize around making worship accessible for the seeker to the one who has followed Jesus for their entire lives. We will read scripture, share in the communion table, and present Jesus in practical ways. Let our gatherings be not just moments of reverence but opportunities for transformative encounters with Jesus Christ.
Reaching People with Expectation:
In the spirit of expecting more to happen in our lives, let us extend our reach beyond these walls. Our goal is to touch lives, share the love of Christ, and create a welcoming space for those seeking the Lord. Our vision statement is - “Fighting forward together through hope in Jesus Christ.” That is a message our community needs. Each one of you has a story to share, a person to help, and a gift to pass on. Let’s reach people with a Gospel expectation and present Jesus as the solution.
Discipleship with Zeal:
Discipleship demands hard work, a commitment to growing in our faith. In 2024, we aspire to create an environment where every member is actively engaged in a discipleship journey, expecting profound personal and collective transformation. I look forward to building a discipleship team and rolling out our strategy to the church.
Meaningful Relationships:
At the heart of our community lies the beauty of meaningful relationships. Without meaningful relationships we are wrecked is a core value of our church. With the growth of our church family lets make sure that we are going deeper than surface conversations. Let’s seek to have meaningful connections with all who step through the doors of our church. This requires us to move intentionally from virtual connecting to in person connection. As a small to medium sized church we are uniquely positioned to create a true community here at Casper Alliance Church. People are craving true connection with others. This year, we aim to deepen connections, fostering an atmosphere where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued.
As we collectively invest our efforts in worship, outreach, discipleship, and building connections, we anticipate a year filled with growth, transformation, and the joy of purposeful living. Let's embrace the challenges and opportunities together, knowing that, with God's grace, our hard work will yield abundant blessings.
Fighting Forward Together,
Lots of exciting things happening with Student Ministry this year! We began a new venture & season of growth with high school splitting off from middle school for the lesson plan on Wednesday nights. We continue to start off the evening as a big group, do an ice breaker & pray together. Then we split off for the lesson. Having consistent leaders who show up each Wednesday has allowed us to re-structure in this way, and it has been good. We will continue this rhythm through the winter/1st quarter of next year.
We have been using curriculum from Rooted Reservoir over the last couple semesters and have enough material to get us through next quarter. Other things to anticipate for this 1st quarter include another youth led Sunday, a potential weekend trip in March to Colorado Springs for IYL (Ignite Youth Leadership), brainstorming ideas of how to incorporate worship/play games in the sanctuary, organizing a community service project and developing a strategy for connecting friends outside of church.
We are blessed to have such a great space for the youth to hang out - a large room with a large tv, a pool table, a couple couches, ping pong tables and a foos ball table. The students have been working hard to respect this space, keep it picked up and take care of everything in the room. As many of you know, we have had some broken windows and stolen items in the past which was a real bummer, but has been resolved with the help of security cameras.
Recently we have been noticing destruction of items inside the youth room during other days of the week. We know the youth room is a convenient place for youngerchildren to hang out when parents are doing other things at the church or when meetings/events are happening at the church. One day these youngsters will be graduating to the youth room. It would be super helpful for parents (with children of all ages) to use this as an opportunity to teach them respect of the youth space and church building as a whole. Parents, please take note of what the youth room looks like before leaving the building to help ensure it has been taken care of. It’s no fun showing up on Wednesday night to find broken pool cues or not being able to play ping pong because paddles are broken and all the balls are missing. We’d greatly appreciate your help in making sure this space is respected by children of all ages. Thank you!
Please continue to pray for our youth here at Casper Alliance Church as well as the youth throughout the whole Casper community. And please specifically be praying that CAC can use our youth ministry to reach those who do not yet have a relationship with Jesus.
Missions & Outreach:
Phew! This last quarter of the year has been a full one! Good things, though, good things. Praise God for showing up in these ways, among others, as we have prayed and stepped into His calling:
*A blessed successful Missions Week hosting the Marshalls *Rain in Uruguay to end the drought
*Momentum in ministry there with ongoing relationship- building and truth-telling
*Clunky but fun and very worthwhile caroling and handing out cozy socks to residence of Life Care Center of Casper:) Thank you everyone who participated in any/all of these things!
Please be praying:
*As we continue to navigate communications and that partnership relationship with the Griffins and La Rambla team, and for all of Uruguay! We know God’s heart is for them. May His goodness be known and His provision felt. *For the folks who begin/have begun to come through our doors via invitation or however the Lord draws them, especially as outreach activities increase.
*For the M&O Lead Team, for continued/increasing unity, joy, strength and vision ~ and the next couple people who join the team!
*About the ways you can be involved :-)
We’ve got a Merry Christmas video to record during Missions Moment this Sunday, then two more outreach events on Monday with a few of us bringing coffee to cops and sheriffs at the station and Christmas cards with gift cards to displaced youth ~ we are thankful for friends with coffee shops and members of our congregation willing to donate coffee and gift cards for these gestures.
Next Quarter:
Looking ahead we will be hosting an outreach event called Casper Street: Arts Ignite for the first time! A task force team has been working together to plan the event. It will be a time and place for people to gather, enjoy a warm beverage and snack, and share/appreciate arts together as a connection point.
An outreach event of the church is designed to welcome people in various stages of their spiritual journey and provide connection points for them to seek God with us, in hopes that they will know Christ, walk with Him daily as His disciple, and participate in a family of believers where they find belonging and shared hope. The Arts Ignite event will especially connect with people who create and appreciate art of some variety and church members participating will want to attend prayerfully and show up for authentic conversations about life, art, and God - meeting people wherever they are when they come. We will do this through the display and performance of art pieces and by providing warm beverages and cookies and space to gather.
We aim to be missional right where we are, into our surrounding areas, and to the “ends of the earth”
This is the commission of Jesus for every one of us. The M&O Lead
Team seeks to facilitate opportunities for many to participate in the work of God in these ways, and to support outreach-oriented parts of other existing ministries within our church. This is not always picture perfect but we share the same ultimate Goal and keep our eyes on the same Prize, and it’s often fun :-) I’m thankful to get to serve alongside such splendiferous folks as we go about our Father’s business together. In all of it, may the LORD build the house!
Marie Scott
Upcoming Opportunities:
Spiritual Gifts workshop - Jan 7 after church. Childcare and lunch will be provided. All are invited!
Discovery Course will run April 7-May 5 (once a week meetings). Connect with me or Hannah for more details on Discovery Course and what it’s all about.
As always, one on one coaching is available to anyone who attends our church. Reach out at office@casperchurch.com to connect.
Kris Burd
Monday night Women’s Bible Study and Sandcastles will continue meeting through 2024 with the goal of drawing closer to Jesus and each other.
As women it has been good to connect at Sandcastles in the midst of life’s coming and going, and pause to consider God and His goodness together. This Fall we have shared pieces of our “God story” with one another, proclaiming the truth of His work in our lives. At Sandcastles lunches we also discussed the first two sections of the book we are reading - Turning & Upward - with opportunities to turn to Jesus from anything taking our attention or affection, and encouragement to look to Him in all things and allow Him to lift us Up in grace-filled transformation. December 4th we enjoyed time together drinking warm beverages and preparing socks to give away to the residents of a local nursing home, as well as signing greetings to inmates through Prayers for Prisoners ministry. What a great group of gals!
We will take a break from our Lunch & Learn in January and resume meeting for the Spring on February 23rd, on the fourth Friday through April. End of April/beginning of May we will plan something fun to do together. One joy of these gatherings has been welcoming some women into our midst for the first time. God is at work!
Bible study schedule is Jan 15 - Mar 4, Apr 8 - May 6, and Sept 9 - Nov 4, 6:30-8:00pm. Our first study is “Watch Your Mouth – Understanding the Power of the Tongue” with Dr. Tony Evans. (Topic plans for the remaining dates are still in the works.) The study will help us to
Discover the power of the spoken word to bolster your faith when you're doubting.
Discern what should or shouldn't be said so that you honor God with your speech.
Develop the ability to praise God and voice wisdom even in tough circumstances.
Get inspired by Tony's teaching on the tongue and model with your mouth the character of God. Don't let your words bring cursing or destruction to yourself and those you love. Instead, let your words minister to and speak life into the world around you.
We are also planning three special weekend events in 2024.
IF Gathering – stay tuned for more info
Friday, Feb 23 6:00 - 9:00 and Saturday, Feb 24 - 9:00 - 5:00
Brunch and Discussion (topic tbd) Saturday, May 4 10:00a-12:00p
Advent Brunch
Saturday, Nov 16, 10:00a-12:00p
Jinx & Marie
After the busyness and fun of Christmas, I look forward so much to getting back to our usual rhythms with worship (we also have so much fun doing Christmas music and being stretched by the musical complexity of some of it). So we look with anticipation to another year of leading worship and seeking to honor the Lord in this capacity.
I continue to be amazed by the gift that worship is to the worshipper. We belong to a God beyond wildest hope - One who loves us, wants our good, paid the ultimate price for our freedom. He deserves the outpour of thought and emotion that worship is. And yet, it is within the folds of the lyrics and chords and rhythms of this experience that I am made a little more whole. That thought gives me such hope! It is in His Presence that I truly experience joy. It is when I love Him like He deserves and when my mind lifts Him up as most worthy, that I am most at peace. It is in the remembering of Who is on the throne that my fears and failures are quietly put to rest.
As a worship team, we long to share that experience as a church family; that we would be ushered into the Presence and goodness of God together. We faithfully pray and ask for that from the Lord and invite you to join in that prayer: Lord, inhabit the praise of your people.
With joy, Hannah
Interested in getting involved with the worship team? Join our next jam session January 6 from 3-5pm
I want to take the opportunity to thank the many people who faithfully serve in Kids Ministry. They are a wonderful group of people who bring their unique personalities and giftings as teachers and disciplers each Sunday and Wednesday. What a gift you are to our church. We thank you! I would also like to thank the many hands and hearts over all the years who have invested into our church’s children’s ministry. We lay on the foundation of their faithful service!
As we embark on another year, we look forward to starting another quarter from the curriculum “Heart of God” and learning together how to love, know, and serve our faithful, righteous, good God.
Hannah Burd
Kids Ministry is available on Sunday mornings for Sunday School, on Sunday mornings during the sermon, and on Wednesday nights from 6:30-7:30.
Care Team:
While there was a period of heaviness in our church family as we said goodbye to beloved souls, the efforts to bring in December with beautiful décor and Christmas treats has brought a sense of hope and lightheartedness. A word that comes to mind is FESTIVE!
There is such joy in celebrating the season of the birth of our Savior Jesus. With inspiration from both Jason and Hannah, the Care Team and other volunteers added a little extra cheer including beautiful décor, candy canes with the message of the J in Jesus, cookies and delicious wassail, pretty poinsettias and table décor, along with set up/take down for the annual church meeting potluck, and Christmas Eve treat bags for the kids.
I extend my gratitude to all who made these extra gestures come to life. It has brought a sense of unity and fellowship to see so many work together to share the light of Jesus at Christmastime. Thank you to all who volunteered!
As we look to the New Year, the Care Team will continue to meet needs as they arise. We will be at the door with a smile or handshake, a bulletin, and welcome gifts for newcomers. We’ll send cards, deliver meals, set up communion, celebrate sorrows and joys, and ... bring donuts.
Join us in praying that all who the Lord brings through our doors will feel warmly welcomed and safe to worship with us. God is at work, and as His people, we extend our hands and feet to care for all who call Casper Alliance their home church.
Risa Petrie - Care Team Coordinator
Encouragement 101 Small Group:
Encouragement 101 is a small group that meets Wednesday nights at the church. The purpose of the group is to “encourage one another, and so much the more as we see the day approaching”.
Wednesday night (6:30-7:30) generally starts off with visiting and catching up on what’s going on in each other’s lives, followed by a short Bible study, and concludes with a time of prayer. After the meeting concludes, many stay and continue the conversations that began prior to the meeting.
Andy Bartosh
Pastor - Jason Fazel - jasonf@casperchurch.com
Elders - John Wiebe - john.wiebe.85@gmail.com
Mark Ayen - wyohiwayman@gmail.com
Brad Johnson - bjohn52059@gmail.com
Aaron Kudlak - avckudlak@msn.com
Scott McLean - martian62@yahoo.com
Scott Thorne - thornesnc123@gmail.com
Board - Larry Ash - 307-258-9905
Anita Walker - anitawalk93@gmail.com
Davian Herbig - davian74@hotmail.com
Discipleship - Mark Ayen - wyohiwayman@gmail.com
Small group - Andy and Pam - nbartosh_wy@charter.net Torah Club - John & Dianne - thescribes@protonmail.com
Youth - Kim Kunckel - kimberly.kunckel@gmail.com
Kids - church office - office@casperchurch.com
Mens - Jason Fazel - jasonf@casperchurch.com
Womens - Jinx Clark - jinxce@gmail.com
Care - Risa Petrie - risapetrie@gmail.com
Finance - Brad Johnson - bjohn52059@gmail.com
Adult SS - Mark Ayen - wyohiwayman@gmail.com Elementary - Zak Wiebe - ztwin32@gmail.com Preschool - Christine Thorne - thornesnc@charter.net
Missions - Marie Scott - the.mariescott@gmail.com
Worship - Hannah Burd - hdburd@icloud.com
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