Kids Ministry - March 2025

Jesus Heals the Blind (Mark 10:46-52) - March 9
A blind beggar named Bartimaeus recognized Jesus as the Messiah. Jesus recognized Bartimaeus’ faith and healed him.
Brite Idea: Jesus hears us and cares.

Parable of the Rich Fool (Luke 12:13-21, 32-34) - March 16
Jesus emphasized the importance of being rich toward God, not just accumulating earthly possessions. Jesus taught that one’s heart is where their treasure is stored.
Brite Idea: Jesus cares about our priorities.

Jesus Welcomes All (Luke 18:15-17; 19:1-10) - March 23
Despite societal expectations, Jesus welcomed children and those who were despised by society like Zacchaeus. Zacchaeus’ life was transformed by Jesus’ love.
Brite Idea: Jesus cares for everyone.

The Last Supper (Matthew 26:1-5, 20-35) - March 30
During Passover, Jesus talked about His coming sacrifice using bread and wine. Jesus predicted He would be betrayed and His disciples would desert Him.
Brite Idea: Jesus chose to be our sacrifice